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Access to Information

What Access to Information is: All the citizens have the right to request access to information which, for some reason, have not been made available in the Transparency Portal. In the State of Ceará, the right to request such data is guaranteed by Federal Law 12.527, which was passed on November 18th, 2011, and the State Law nº 15.175, sanctioned on June 28th, 2012.

How to use it: In order to request access to information, all you have to do is fill out a short form which specifies which data you would like to have access to. Any request for information must be returned in no later than 20 days plus a possible extension of 10 other days. In case the request is rejected, you can forward an appeal in no later than 10 days to the Administrative Committee of Access to Information.

Request information: On this field, it is possible to inform your request to access information, which will be analyzed and returned with a positive or negative answer. In the field next to it, you can follow the status of the request through the protocol number and password. 

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