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Take part in MAP

2024 - 2027

The preparation of the Pluriannual Plan (PPA) occurs in the first year of management and will subsidize the planning for the next four years that will follow. It is a time when all state public institutions, from the three branches of government, idealize the results to be achieved and what they will do to achieve them. In addition, the participation of the population in this initial moment is of great importance to direct the government plans to come.


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The monitoring of the PPA is a continuous process of qualitative and quantitative monitoring of the actions planned by the government that aims to identify and correct deviations in execution and improve the allocation of resources. It is important that society participates in this moment in order to verify if the regional strategies defined by the population are being carried out satisfactorily, in order to promote the achievement of the results declared in the Plan.

2016 - 2019

The evaluation of the Pluriannual Plan, which is valid for four years, occurs every two years of execution. It is at this moment that it is analyzed whether the expected impacts at the time of planning are actually being achieved and if society's demands are being met, as set out in the regional guidelines. Citizen participation is essential in this process, since it guides the government on the need for possible redirections or prioritizing specific regional strategies, so that the best way to obtain the results expected by the population, considering the characteristics of each planning region.

2020 - 2023

The revision of the Pluriannual Plan (PPA) occurs every four years, in the second year of execution of the current Plan, and seeks to establish the Government's priorities and goals for its last two years. Based on an assessment of the current situation in each region, it is possible to reorient the State's policies, defining new goals and priorities, or to maintain those that were defined during the elaboration. The participation of the population at this time is essential to redirect, according to the needs, the priorities for each region.
Access Review

What is participation?

It is a right entitled to all citizens to share the room for decisions regarding the different public policies with the Government.

Why should I take part in it?

The citizen participation is essential for the joint creation of a better future for everyone. It is where the civil society can offer opinions, debate and built better public policies in collaboration with the Government.

What is the Multiannual Plan (MAP)?

It is a plan to direct the governmental actions through goals and targets with a main focus on the improvement of results expected by society in each area of the State.

Ppa flow

Quais são as etapas do PPA?

O PPA estabelece as linhas gerais de atuação e gastos prioritários para os próximos quatro anos. Suas fases são: Elaboração, Monitoramento, Revisão e Avaliação, e todas elas são construídas com o apoio da sociedade, através dos Encontros Regionais. Após a elaboração do PPA, as leis orçamentárias (LDO e LOA) definirão as prioridades e o valor a serem gastos em cada ano para alcançar os resultados esperados.

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