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Social Control Tools

The Ombudsman policy in the State of Ceará aims to foster the involvement of the society and the execution of social control, ensuring the right to citizenship and transparency of the services carried out by the State Executive Power, with ethical, impartial and free acting, through impartial hearing of parts involved and also preserving the right to freedom of speech and judgement by the citizen.

In that sense, the Ombudsman acts as an intermediary channel in the process of popular engagement, allowing the citizen to contribute with the implementation of public policies and assessment of services provided.

Citizen Access Channels

  • Citizen Channel
  • Ombudsmanship Network
  • Ombudsman System
  • Ombudsman Reports
  • State System of Access to Information

The Law on Access to Information has been created to regulate item XXXIII, article 5 in the Federal Constitution which ensures the right to access collective, private or general-related information, among other items. It must be made available within a legal period, under liability penalty, apart from information whose secrecy is vital to the security of society and the State.

The State System of Access to Information with the State Executive Power, established by State Law n°15175/2012 consists of Sectorial Committees of Access to Information in each body/entity of the state, who are responsible for responding for demands to information and its appeal bodies; Administrative Committee of Access to Information and State Council of Access to Information.

  • Decision-making Bodies
  • Citizen Information Service
  • State Law of Access to Information (LAI)
  • LAI Implementation Reports
  • Sectorial Commission of Public Ethics

With the advent of State Decree nº 29887, on August 31st, 2009 and State Decree nº 31198, April 30th, 2013, the creation of the Ethics and Transparency System has been established for all bodies and entities within the State Executive Power.

The First Ethics Commission of the General Controllership and Ombudsman of the State of Ceará – CGE was created by Decree CGE nº 087/2016, on April 08th, 2016.

The Sectorial Commission of Public Ethics – CSEP-CGE is formed by 06 (six) members, 3 (three) of them being active and 3 (three) substitutes, appointed and named according to Decree by the Chief Secretary State in the General Controllership and Ombudsman, among servants active in the staff of the current CGE for a 2 (two)-year term, with only one renewal allowed (art. 2, caput, CSEP-CGE Internal Regiment).

The members in this Commission will not be paid, for the tasks carried out by them will be regarded as provision of public services according to art. 5 in the State Decree nº 29887/2009 (art. 2, section 2, CSEP-CGE Internal Regiment).

CSEP-CGE Internal Regiment

Check here the ombudsman annual reports.

Check here the monitoring reports of Access to Information implementation.

Check here the access reports of Transparency Pages.

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