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The State of Ceará

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The State of Ceará is located in the Northeast region of Brazil and covers an área of 148,886.308 square kilometers. Its north borders the Atlantic Ocean; its South borders the state of Pernambuco; the Rio Grande do Norte and Paraíba states are East; and the Piauí is located West. Its coast is 573 kilometers long. Therefore, the state of Ceará has the fourth biggest territorial coverage and is the 17th biggest among the Brazilian states in terms of surface area. In regards to political-administrative division, Ceará consists of 184 towns and 20 Administrative Microregions, where Fortaleza and Cariri are major, having 19 and 9 cities, respectively.

Invest in Ceará.

Ceará has shown growth which stands above the Brazilian average. The State’s GDP (Gross Domestic Product) grew 1.87% in 2017, which was almost twice as high as the national variation, whose score was 1% in the same year. Another highlight was the amount of investment made by Ceará in the same period, accounting for 13.9% of the current liquid revenue. In a moment of turmoil in the Brazilian public sector, the State of Ceará has become a reference for all the country when it comes to balance in accounts and transparency. Such aspect is shown by the 2017 State Competitivity Ranking, designed by the Centro de Liderança Pública (CLP), with the support of Tendências Consultoria Integrada and the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). According to the publication, Ceará holds the first place in “tax consistency”, taking six financial indicators into consideration. The indicator for “capacity of investment” is also the best in Ceará in this assessment. Ceará was also seen in a positive light in 2017 in a study carried out by the Federação das Indústrias do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Firjan). Once again, it held the first position among the states with a better tax situation, besides its prominence in the higher number of investments related to income, with a figure of 11.1%, twice as high as the National average.


More reasons to invest in Ceará:

  • Strategic location. Located in the corner of the Atlantic Ocean, Ceará is an open door in Brazil for Europe, Africa and the USA. The quick maritime exportations are among the advantages, considering it is only 7 days away from Africa, 8 days away from Europe and 6 days from the East Coast in the USA. The shortest transit time is achieved by air shipping, only a mere 6h30 away from the three destinations.
  • Efficient infrastructure. Located 40 kilometers away from Fortaleza, the Industrial and Port Complex of Pecém (CIPP) owns one of the main exportation ports in the country, with offshore terminals and an 18-meter natural draught, which can also dock Post-Panamax ships. Furthermore, the CIPP hosts the Processing Exportation Zone (ZPE), the first to operate in Brazil with special taxation. Ceará also has the Port of Mucuripe, located in Fortaleza, which is one of the main ports for coasting in Brazil and has its own passenger terminal for the docking of huge cruise ships. The ports in Ceará are the last stop for Brazilian ships destined abroad. Another highlight is the air logistic potential. The Pinto Martins International Airport currently boards 6.3 million passengers a year and accounts for 53,133 flights per year. With new operator Fraport in charge of the equipment, it is estimated that the number of yearly passenger reaches 29.2 million by 2047. Ceará own three projects regarded as strategic for the State, better known as “trio of hubs”: the one formed by air companies Air France-KLM-GOL; the partnership between the Ports of Pecém and Rotterdam, which will turn the State in a harbor hub; and finally, the data hub made possible by the release of cables SACs and Momet, by multinational Angola Cables, connecting Ceará to Africa and the USA by data cables.
  • Education and qualification. In Ceará, the 24 best public elementary schools are located, as well as 77 among the 100 highest-ranked public schools, according to a study carried out by the Basic Education Development Index (IDEB). The State currently owns 119 State Schools for Professional Education (EEEP), accounting for 50 thousand students enrolled in a total of 91 cities.


Port of Pecem
Ceará has been attractive not only because of its natural landscapes, but also because of its throbbing economy. Thus, the Government of Ceará has invested constantly in policies of industrial development and the attraction of investments in actions and programs.
The Industrial Policy in Ceará in legally safe and has as a main goal encouraging the implementation, expansion, diversification, recovery and modernization of industrial facilities, comprising:

  1. Actions directed at the capture of industrial investments;
  2. Availability of the necessary basic infrastructure  for the implementation of the project;
  3. Training and qualification of workforce;
  4. Support and encouragement to industrial development focusing on:
  • Fostering the interiorization of the implementation of productive activities;
  • The strengthening of the network of institutions focused on socioeconomic development and the absorption and spread of new technologies;
  • The capture and strengthening of local tech companies and;
  • The generation and enhancement of productive chains.

Importation of Machines and Equipment for Raw Material and Inputs – IMEMPI

  • Legal Basis: Decree nº 24569/1997
  • Purpose: Machines and equipment to make up for the acting part of the enterprise, raw material and inputs for use in its industrial process
  • Benefit: Deferral of 100% of ICMS in the importation of the importation of machines and equipment to make up for the acting part of the enterprise, raw material and inputs for use in its industrial process.
  • Recipient: Machines and equipment, with a Protocol of Intentions, raw material and inputs, with a Term of Agreement.

Program of Capture of Strategic Enterprises – PROADE

  • Legal Basis: Laws nºs 24207/08, 15183/12 and Decree nº 32486/2017
  • Purpose: implementation, modernization and expansion of industrial facilities
  • Recipients: Industrial companies in the following fields:
  1. Extraction of metallic minerals;
  2. Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products;
  3. Manufacture of pharmaco-chemical and pharmaceutical products;
  4. Automobile, truck, SUV, pick-up truck and bus manufacture;
  5. Manufacture of chemical products;
  6. Textile Industry;
  7. Manufacture of Shoes;
  8. Manufacture of products deriving from oil refinery and petrochemical products;
  9. Metallurgy;
  10. Manufacture of locomotives, wagons and other rolling materials;
  11. Manufacture of aircraft, as well as its parts and components;
  12. Milling of wheat;
  13. Manufacture of electrical engines, as well as its parts and accessories.
  • And other industrial activities that have no other similar under production in the Brazilian territory.
  • Special conditions: Minimum investment of BRL 200 million, including investments made in the group by the Limited Company in other institutions in the State of Ceará. It must be located in a minimum distance of 150 straight kilometers from the city it belongs and the capital of the State.
  • Benefits: Up to 99% deferral, 1% returns.
  • Global period: 10 years.
  • Extension of the period can be agreed for the same duration.

Incentive Program for the Operation of Companies – PROVIN

  • Legal Basis: Decree nº 32486/2017
  • Purpose: implementation, modernization and expansion of industrial facilities
  • Recipients: Industrial Sector
  • Benefit: Deferral of up to 75%, returns are up to 25%
  • Period: 10 years
  • Extension of the period can be agreed for the same duration.

Incentive Program for the Goods Distribution Centers – PCDM

  • Legal Basis: Decree nº 32486/2017
  • Purpose: Implementation and/or Expansion
  • Recipients: Wholesale Sector (Goods Distribution Centers)
  • Benefit: Reductions of up to 75% of the ICMS caused by interstate shipping of goods, with no similar others produced in the State.
  • Extension of the period can be agreed for the same duration.

Incentive Program for the Production Chain in the generation of Renewable Sources of Energy – PIER

  • Legal Basis: Decree nº 32486/2017
  • Purpose: Generation of renewable energy.
  • Recipients: Industrial companies in the fields of:
  1. Biofuels, which correspond to fuels of biological origin made from vegetables such as corn, soy, sugar cane, castor bean, canola, babassu, hemp, among others;
  2. Biomass, which corresponds to organic matter produced due to the concerns related to energy sources, and are able to generate gases which are converted, in specific plants, in energy, which is the product of decomposition of organic matter such as manure, wood, agricultural waste, organic waste, food leftovers, among others;
  3. Biomass present in urban and solid waste, resulting from sanitary sewage, of agricultural biomass, among others;
  4. Winds, which can be converted into electricity through wind turbines or windmills;
  5. Sun energy, which can be converted into electricity or heat;
  6. Water gravitational power, converted into hydroelectricity, present in a raised dam, where the power generated is proportional to the height of the waterfall and the liquid outflow;
  7. Hydrogen, which can be obtained from the combination of hydrogen and oxygen resulting in water vapor and releasing energy, which is then converted into electricity;
  8. Tides, generated from the energy potential contained in the flow of the tides.
  • Benefit: up to 75% deferral, 1% return.
  • Global period: 10 years
  • Extension of the period can be agreed for the same duration.

Castelão Stadium

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