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Government Policies and Priorities

The execution of public policies are backed by seven large Government Axes, named “7 Cearás”:

  • Democratic Management by Results-Ceará;
  • Friendly Ceará;
  • Opportunity-Ceará;  
  • Sustainable Ceará;
  • Knowledge Ceará;
  • Healthy Ceará;
  • Peaceful Ceará;

Thus, the MAP proposal for 2016-2019 tends to contemplate the process that entails the general planning, execution, monitoring and assessment of public policies, divided into seven large Governmental Axes of Intersectoral Articulation, named “7 Cearás”. They are axes designed from the inspiration and collective effort to think about development in structural, dynamic, productive, integrated and intersectoral fashions, which called for effort, knowledge and resources from Society and State alike.

Democratic Management by Results-Ceará

In the Democratic Management by Results-Ceará, we seek for constant growth, financial, tax and budgetary balances and the persistent reduction of inequalities. The goal consists of achieving the expected strategic result, in which state public services are planned and managed efficiently, effectively and actively and attentions are paid to the citizens’ needs, seen in transparency and tax balance.

Friendly Ceará

The Friendly Ceará, which is backed by respect to plurality and the individual freedom of choice, as well as respect to human rights, attempts to ensure the inclusion of people, prioritizing the prevention and fight against social vulnerability.


The Opportunity-Ceará is outlined in the integration of representative topics of economic support to development, which respond to challenges posed by state economy according two formulations of strategic inspiration: (1) encouragement to economic growth with territorial development and (2) creation and spread of work, independent work, income and wealth.

Sustainable Ceará

Based on the fact that our State has 86,8% of its area located in semiarid regions (a climate in which frequent and months-long droughts cause a number of strains in people’s quality of life), policies which place a great deal of importance in people living together help minimize the climatic impacts, supported by the existence of diverse alternatives and strategies available since the Caatinga biome was well-used. In this environment, the Sustainable Ceará is the axis which is highly-valued in coverage and entails the implementation of environmental policies based on preservation and creative economic use of natural resources.


The Knowledge-Ceará provides the foundations of the construction of an informed society, upon which the pillars of a more advanced economy are sustained, in a special strategy which stimulates the increase in the quality of the socioeconomic profile in Ceará. Also, the determination to offer the population a full high-quality education, which focuses on equity and being the first in innovation is grown in this axis, as well as a revolution in the policies of social and economic development, in the democratization process of scientific and technological production, higher education, culture for all classes and layers of the populations.

Healthy Ceará

The Healthy Ceará emphasizes the premises of citizenship, guarantee of rights, promotion of health, reinforcement of community actions, creation of favorable environments, development of personal skills and lifestyles. Thus, we aim to favor the validity of a State which fosters the culture of peace and comprises articulated and shared actions in the scope of public health policies, sports and leisure, basic sanitation, housing and similar programs.

Peaceful Ceará

The Peaceful Ceará describes the conception of a Fair, Cooperative and Peaceful Society rooted in the understanding of the Universal right to protection, support, defense and justice, in which the State, protagonist and sponsor of such rights, counts on the participation of society as a supporting actor in the search for a culture of peace and also in a more fair and cooperative environment. On this axis, there are no restrictions in the efforts that seek to ensure that all society has wide, qualified, equitable, effective citizen security and justice, which are typical of a State that strives to achieve new civil standards.

Fonte: http://www.seplag.ce.gov.br/

Message of the Government – Multiannual Plan (MAP) 2016 - 2019


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