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Ombudsmen Network


The model of ombudsman management in a network ensures the uniformity in the administration of processes and procedures by means of integrated action among the ombudsmen and the share of information and good practices, contributing to the implementation and perfecting of public policies and the assessment of services provided.


The Ombudsmen Network is composed by Sectoral Ombudsmen of bodies and entities within the State Executive Power, who is responsible for assessment and response to the manifestations brought in by the citizen. It is based on the principles of horizontal nature and decentralization of the processes, carrying out the intermediary function of citizens alongside the institutions they act in and making a communication channel feasible.
The State Executive Power Ombudsmen Network is composed by the CGE, as a coordinator, by the 63 Ombudsmen of bodies and entities and by the Special Ombudsmen of Human Rights - OEDH, created in 2017 (Decree n.º 32435/2017), and therefore, the Ombudsmen Network consists of 65 Sectoral Ombudsmen. 
In addition, the SESA Ombudsmen Network is also a part of the State Executive Power Ombudsman Network and has as a normative instrument for regulation the Decree nº 3240, October 29th, 2012. It is formed by ombudsmen from health support units, health regional coordinating bodies qualified as social organizations and the health support units in the public consortia.

List of the Executive Power Ombudsmen Network List of the Secretary for Health Ombudsmen Sub-network


The Network “Ouvir Ceará” has been established with the purpose of setting up an interinstitutional integration in order to foster dialogue among ombudsmen in order to facilitate the proximity among citizens and public services in the different sectors of the government.

Established by means of the Intentions Protocol nº. 01/2016, the Network “Ouvir Ceará”  é formed by:

The Network “Ouvir Ceará” aims to consolidate the partnership, mutual cooperation, articulation of efforts among its participants and other bodies and entities that adhere to the protocol, seeking to integrate processes and systems for the sharing of manifestations logged by citizens and, thus, making the tool of public transparency and social control stronger.  


The PROFORT helps the implementation and development of Public Ombudsmen for bodies and entities within the states, the Federal District and municipalities, besides other Powers. Its objective is perfecting the management of processes and the integrated acting among the ombudsmen, with an interchange of information, encouragement to the use of technology and promotion of qualification actions.

In the scope of Executive Power, the general ombudsmen of the States, the Federal Districts and the State capitals, as well as ombudsmen belonging to other Powers in the scope of the Union, which adhere to the PROFORT, are now part of the Ombudsmen Network alongside the General Ombudsman with the Union. The Network’s purpose is to debate topics, exchange information and develop joint strategies for Public Ombudsmen.

The State Government of Ceará is represented in the PROFORT by General State Controllership and Ombudsman: Profort – Adhesion Form on March 29th, 2016.

Click here to obtain more information about the program and its adhesions

Adhesion Form to the Program CGE/CGU (State Official Gazette, April 5th, 2016, page 7)

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