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Eletronics Services

1. Electronic Police Report -  Electronic Police Station

Log your electronic report in case of loss, theft, traffic accidents, damage, etc.

Access here: http://www.delegaciaeletronica.ce.gov.br/beo/index.jsp

2. Online Booking for ID issue

Avoid lines, schedule your time online.

Access here:

3. Police Records

Find police records, which are supplied by the Human Identification Coordinating Body and Biometric Expertise, who aim to inform the existence or inexistence of such criminal records.

Access here: http://sistemas.sspds.ce.gov.br/AtestadoAntecedentes/

4. DETRAN (State Traffic Department) Center of Services

At the DETRAN Center of Services, the citizen can obtain further information regarding the licensing of their vehicle, renewal of driver’s license (CNH), the free intercity pass, scheduling appointments for vehicle inspections, compulsory insurance (DPVAT), the issue of IPVA, etc. 

Access here: http://central.detran.ce.gov.br/

5. Student’s Driver’s License (CNH)

Adhere to the Popular Student Driver’s License (CNH) Program through the link below. 

Access here: http://cnhestudantil.seduc.ce.gov.br/cnh/confirmacao_cnh.jsf

6. Electronic Services at SEFAZ (State Treasury Office)

Find the main electronic services made available by SEFAZ, such as the issue of DAE (State Collection Document), single and electronic invoices, electronic tax coupon, DAE for IPVA (automobile taxes), etc.

Access here: http://www.sefaz.ce.gov.br/content/aplicacao/internet/principal/enviados/indexServicos.asp

7. JUCEC (Commercial Board) Services Portal

Register and have access to any service provided by JUCEC below. 

Access here: http://portalservicos.jucec.ce.gov.br/auth/realms/Portal_Servicos/protocol/openid-connect/auth?response_type=code&client_id=portalexterno&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Fportalservicos.jucec.ce.gov.br%2FPortal%2Fpages%2Fprincipal.jsf&state=3348353%2Fb9fc8173-9b78-4ef8-a66b-814dce78c133&login=true

8.  Virtual CAGECE Services

Issue the 2nd copy of your water bill through the link below. 

Access here: https://www.cagece.com.br/atendimentovirtual/faces/publico/home.xhtml
9. State Highways Status

Follow the status of all state highways.

Access here: http://www.der.ce.gov.br/rodovias/situacao-das-rodovias/

10. FUNCEME (Cearense Foundation for Meteorology and Water Management) Services

Access the products and services by FUNCEME, such as rain forecast and analysis, tides, moons, average precipitation, etc.:

Access here: http://www.funceme.br/index.php/areas

11. Cultural Map – SECULT (Culture Secretary)

Learn more about the Cultural Map of Ceará. 

Access here: http://mapa.cultura.ce.gov.br/

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