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Frequent Questions

Servants information

How to find servants’ information?

To verify the servants information, access the State of Ceara Transparency (www.transparencia.ce.gov.br) website and click on governance model Servants Information tab and fill the search filters. Available on the link: http://transparencia.ce.gov.br/static/modelo-de-governanca/informacoes-servidores.

Does the portal provide information about Public companies servants?

The transparency portal does not provide information concerning public companies servants, private and public companies (mixed economy societies) and other state controlled entities, in compliance to art. 4 decree-law Nº 31.487, June 4th, 2014.

How should I fill the search filters?

It can be done by indicating the servants name and their origin organ. The results are shown according to the human resources management integrated system database, supported by the Planning and management secretariat.

Does the portal provide information about Inactive or retired servants?

No. The verification of public servants information provided by the transparency portal is in compliance to decree-law Nº 31.487, June 4th, 2014, which mentions the disclosure of the state executive Power active servants remuneration. For information about inactive servants, please, contact the Planning and management secretariat – SEPLAG

How is the servants data updated?

The servants information verification is updated on a monthly basis, according to data received from the Planning and Management secretariat – SEPLAG. The information concerning “other received payments” correspond to daily payments, and come from the State treasury secretariat –SEFAZ.

Executive Power revenues

How often is the data updated?

The previous day information is loaded on a daily basis.

How can I see the amount of ICMS the state collected?

See: Filter Species, then click on taxes and then: : IMP S/A PROD E A CIRCULACAO e em seguida: IMP S/OP REL A CIRC DE MERC E S/PREST DE SERV D...

How do I see the amount of resources collected through Fundeb?

Filter “per organ”, see under Education secretariat:”basic education development fund

How much has the state received from loans and other financing and fundings?

See, under Capital Revenues, on credit operations.

How much does Detran collect?

Select : Filter “per organ”. Detran is Under infrastructure secretariat. For further information, click on the organ’s name.

How much money is collected for the state public servants pension plan?

Select: Filter per organ, and see: Pension system special fund.

How can I see the total amount of resources received through transferences from the federal government?

See: Filter “per origin”, and the information is classified in current and capital transferences. For further detail, check “resources received through transferences”.

What is current revenue?

Resources coming from taxes and federal union transferences. Learn more on glossary R.

What is capital revenue?

Capital revenue is obtained, for example, through long term loans, or the sale of any asset.

How to see the State revenues forecast?

Select Advanced search. In the result, you Will find the forecast amount, updated forecast amount and the collected amount.

Resources received through transferences

How much Money does the state receive from natural resources extraction, such as Petrol?

See Filter “per rubric”, click on Union Transferences, then click on “Transf da compens fin p/exp de rec naturais”.

How much Money does the state receive from agreements and partnerships with the federal government?

See on Filter through “species”, transferences of current partnerships, and under capital transferences, partnership and agreement transferences.

Executive Power expenses

How often is the data updated?

The previous day information is loaded on a daily basis.

What are special charges?

Expenses related to the transfer of resources to cities, payment of debts and loans.

How much does the state spend on Medicines, sanitation works, constructions, etc?

Filter “per item”. Under the graphic, is the list with all the state’s expenses.

What is “programmed amount” and “executed amount”?

The programmed amount refers to the UPDATED BUDGET and the executed amount refers to the amount separated for payments.

What is “ intended amount”

It is the total amount, of a given expense whose payment has been approved. É a soma de valores, de determinada despesa, em que foi emitido empenho. Empenho (Reservation) is the guarantee that a predicted resource has been separated or reserved, for a payment settlement or liquidation. Learn more on glossary E.

How can I find The amounts paid and the ones to be paid?

Select Advanced.

What is authorized amount?

It is the amount considered for a given expense in the budgetary Law.

What is “updated budget”?

It’s the foreseen amount in the budgetary Law, adjusted by increases and decreases along the year.

What are “remains to be paid”? O que são restos a pagar?

It refers to the expenses that were separated, but not paid until the end of the year.

How can I identify the amount of resources destined to investments?

Filter by “expense nature” and click on the column investments for details.

How can I find the amount of state resources directed to Hospital Waldemar de Alcântara, Hospital Regional - Sobral, Construção de Habitações Maranguapinho, Centro Multifuncional de Eventos e Captação de Negócios?

Filter through “action”. See below the list with all the actions performed by the state, and click on each for further details. For additional information, see contracts and partnerships.

Expenses per Proceeds Allocation Document

How can I find those who received money from the state?

Insert the person’s name or CPF number

What is a Proceeds Allocation Document?

It’s a document that states the allocation of proceeds. Learn more on glossary “n (p)”.

What are Proceeds Allocation?

It’s a guarantee that resources defined on the State budget are allocated or reserved for settlement and subsequent payment. Learn more on glossary “e (p)”

What is a Settlement?

It’s a stage in public expenditure after Proceeds Allocation. It’s the act that proves the necessity of payment to a certain creditor or supplier by the State. Learn more on glossary “l (s)”

How can I find the resources destined to my school?

Type the school name on Creditor

How can I see what has been paid with resources originating from the Fundeb?

Choose “Advanced” on the type of search and “Resources originating from the Fundeb” on “Source”.

Figures Transferred by the Executive Power

What are Public Consortiums?

They are partnerships for the execution of activities of interest in more than one entity of the Federation, for instance, maintenance of polyclinics in certain cities. For more details about these activities, check “Contracts”.

What’s the meaning of “FMAS”?

It’s the Municipal Fund for Social Assistance.


Is it possible to fully see the contracts signed by the State?

The entirety of all instruments signed as of March 5th, 2009 and its attachments is available according to State Law n° 14306, March 2nd, 2009 (State Official Gazette, March 5th, 2009), which included Art. 15-B, section 2 on the State Law n° 13875/2007, February 7th, 2007 (State Official Gazette, February 7th, 2007). The liability over the inclusion of the documents on the portal is solely of the bodies and entities that manage each contract or covenant.

When will the auction notice be available?

Auction notices will be linked to contracts as of December 2nd, 2011. Click on “See notice”. To see other public notices, check “Auctions”.

How can I report any irregularity or inconsistency in a certain contract?

On the page the contract is located, click on “Inspect here”. The information is forwarded to the Ombudsman System.

The Polyclinics and the Centros de Especialidades Odontológicas are kept upon public consortiums. Enter information on “Contracted”, “Public Consortium” to learn more.

How can I see the contracts of the State and resources allocated to Social Organizations such as the Instituto Centro de Ensino Tecnológico - CENTEC, Instituto de Desenvolvimento do Trabalho - IDT, INSTITUTO DE SAÚDE E GESTÃO HOSPITALAR - ISGH (Administração dos Hospitais do Cariri e Waldemar de Alcântara), Instituto de Arte e Cultura do Ceará - IACC (Administração do Dragão do Mar e Centro Cultural do Bom Jardim)?

The query can be done by entering on “Contracted” the name of the Social Organization. The state also has agreements with these organizations. To learn more, enter the name of the Organization in “Convenente” on the query of Covenants.

Partnerships / Covenants

How can I see the partners of my city?

Enter the name of the municipality on “convenente” and click on “search”.

How can I report any irregularity or inconsistency in a certain partnership?

On the page the contract is located, click on “Inspect here”. The information is forwarded to the Ombudsman System.

Is it possible to fully see the partnerships formed by the State?

The entirety of all instruments signed as of March 5th, 2009 and its attachments is available according to State Law n° 14306, March 2nd, 2009 (State Official Gazette, March 5th, 2009), which included Art. 15-B, section 2 on the State Law n° 13875/2007, February 7th, 2007 (State Official Gazette, February 7th, 2007). The liability over the inclusion of the documents on the portal is solely of the bodies and entities that manage each contract or covenant.


How can I identify costs of goods acquired by the State?

Inform on “item description” the product you wish to know more about. For instance, “automobile”, “paper”, “pen” and click on “search”. The query can also be done by clicking on the chart, higher-value items purchased. The search can be done by entering the name of the supplier.

What does the unit average cost refer to?

It’s the average cost for each unit acquired in a certain period, taking into consideration the amount of items and the total amount involved. For more information on each unit cost, check the Minutes of Prices Registration.


What are the result indicators published?

They’re instruments to indicate whether the implemented governmental policies are producing desirable results.

Who defines the “set” for each indicator?

The set value or result goals are defined by the Governor and State Secretaries.

For other unsolved doubts, talk to us.

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