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Public Management by Results

Public Management by Results (GPR) involves plannings, balance, transparency and control, all of which are focused on obtaining quantitative indicators capable of justifying, in measurable results, the actions of public bodies.

The GPR is a model in which the public sector adopts an entrepreneurial posture, focusing on the citizen as a customer and aiming for high efficiency, efficacy and effectiveness standards, as well as ethics and transparency. It is a model of management that seeks to reduce costs for society and involves the State and the citizens’ satisfaction. It is a model in which the government is the mean, not the end.

In this model, the public power needs to dialogue continuously with society and use the procedures of monitoring and assessment extensively, including under the perspective of the citizen as a main customer.

Another common strategy used is the fostering of competition among programs for better results, with the purpose of improving the service to the public, reducing costs and the duration of processes, as well as creating effective mechanisms of managerial information. The GPR demands continuous improvement from the government in regard to processes and focus on results of its programs, projects and activities, reporting on themselves to society. In practical terms, the GPR entails:

  1. Defining the development problem to be tackled clearly and objectively;
  2. Identifying the recipients and developing programs and projects which meet their needs;
  3. Defining the expected results in a realistic manner, based on appropriate analyses;
  4. Perfecting the mechanisms and criteria for allocation and control of resources and, meanwhile, provide autonomy and responsibility to administrators;
  5. Monitoring progress focusing on results and the utilized resources, making use of appropriate performance indicators;
  6. Identifying and managing risks, considering the expected results and the necessary resources;
  7. Expanding knowledge through previous experiences and inserting them in the decision-making process; and
  8. Write reports on the achieved results and resources that have been used.

Therefore, in this new model, the emphasis moves from the operational aspects of projects management and their immediate results to a wider perspective, incorporating the impacts of governmental actions on the people’s lives and their development process. It is a model which differs from traditional public management, which has as a focus the internal control and the conformity of costs forecast, where bureaucracy is an end and the government is slow and inefficient.

To sum up, the GRP prioritizes the service to the citizen as a client, is proactive, is focused on initiatives and autonomous in management. Furthermore, it does not neglect the quality the process, adopts the control for targets and goals, generating results for society, which in its turn, meet the demands of citizens as customers.

Source: http://www.ipece.ce.gov.br

Extracted from “Ceará: a prática de uma gestão pública por resultados.”


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