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Tax Indicators

See the tax indicators of the State. To learn more, click on one of the indicators.

See the amount of the obligations assumed by the State (called, under the terms of Article 29, I of the FRL of Consolidated Debt) deducting financial assets not tied to other payments.

See the contracting of a financial obligation by the State, which, in addition to the existing obligations, will form the Net Consolidated Debt balance.

See the guarantees and counter-guarantees that are granted by the State Government with the purpose of guaranteeing the financial obligations payment assumed by any State agency.

See the revenues received by the State, reduced from the transfers to the Municipalities, contributions to the servants retirement and contribution to the Basic Education development.

See the health expenses and compare with the minimum amount of application.

See the expenses with Education and compare with the minimum required amount.

See the total remuneration of the employees in effective service plus State contribution for their future retirement; and the payment of retirees' pensions or pensions.

See the difference between the Net Tax Debt balance at the end of a period and the Net Fiscal Debt balance of the previous period.

See the primary balance representing the difference between revenue and primary expenditure (non-financial)

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